Saturday, May 16, 2009


Alfred Nobel (chosen quote)
"Hope is nature's veil for hiding truth's nakedness"
The comment given by Nobel is quite abstract, it shows the hidden opposite meaning towards something which is not beautiful and thus, it's not forseeable with our naked eye .Michael Evlanoff, Marjorie Fluor, Alfred Nobel, the loneliest millionaire (W. Ritchie Press, 1969), 180

Jacques-Yves Consteau (chosen quote)
"When one man, whatever reason has an opportunity to lead an extraordinary life...
This quote shows hope and determination, anything is possible to achieve if anyone perservere ..
Just like design takes few steps to come closer to one's goal..

Keith Campbell..
Cloning may be good and bad. Probably it's a bit of both. The question must not be greeted with reflex hysteria but decided quietly...Less emotion but more thought.
This quote shows the way people think about cloning..
2 diffrent point of views of a subject which what design is all about as there are good and bad points to it.

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